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BlackFling 2023 Review: A Unique Dating Opportunity Or Just A Scam?


BlackFling is an online dating platform that connects African-American singles from around the world. It was founded in 2013 and has since become one of the most popular apps for black people looking to find love, friendship, or just a casual fling. The app boasts over two million active users worldwide and is available on both iOS and Android devices.

The main focus of BlackFling is connecting African-Americans with each other regardless of their location or background; however, it also welcomes members from all backgrounds who are interested in meeting someone special within this community. With its simple interface, anyone can easily register as a user by providing basic information such as age range preference (18+), gender identity/orientation preferences (straight/gay) etc., along with some personal details like profile picture uploads etc.. This makes it easy for potential matches to connect quickly without having to go through lengthy registration processes first!

Since its launch back in 2013 BlackFling has grown exponentially across five countries – United States , Canada , Australia , France & Germany . In addition to these countries there are many more where users have been able access the app via mobile phones making use of either Apple’s App Store or Google Play store depending upon their device type – iPhone / iPad / iPod Touch OR Android smartphones respectively .

Blackfling offers free services including unlimited messaging options which allow you communicate directly with your desired match anytime you want while maintaining complete privacy at all times! You can even browse profiles anonymously if preferred before deciding whether you wish take things further by sending out messages yourself ! Furthermore they offer advanced search filters so that only those compatible matches show up when searching thus helping narrow down results significantly saving time too ! All these features make using Blackfling very convenient indeed!.

How Does BlackFling Work?

The BlackFling app is a dating platform that allows users to connect with like-minded individuals from around the world. It offers an easy and secure way for people of all backgrounds, genders, orientations, and ages to meet new partners or friends. With its user-friendly interface and intuitive design features, it makes finding potential matches quick and simple. Users can create profiles by providing basic information such as age range preferences along with photos or videos which are then visible on their profile page for other members to view.

Users have access to millions of active profiles in over five countries worldwide including the United States, Canada, Australia , New Zealand ,and South Africa . Each country has different demographics so you’ll be able find someone who fits your desired criteria no matter where they live in these regions . The search feature also allows users narrow down results based on gender identity/orientation preference as well location distance radius within each region if needed .

In addition to searching through existing member’s profiles ,BlackFling provides additional ways for connecting with others via chat rooms dedicated specific topics (e g sports music etc )or direct messaging one another privately These conversations allow two people get know each other better before deciding whether take things further offline Furthermore there ‘s even a video call option available those who want see person face -to -face without having leave safety comfort home

To ensure quality control only verified accounts allowed use this service This means any suspicious activity detected will result immediate suspension account until investigated properly To protect privacy data shared between members encrypted using latest security protocols prevent unauthorized third parties accessing private messages images sent back forth during conversation Finally customer support team always ready help answer questions concerns may arise while navigating website

Overall BlackFling aims provide safe reliable online space singles seeking meaningful connections friendships potential relationships All tools necessary make process enjoyable hassle free provided right fingertips Sign up today start journey towards meeting perfect match

  • 1.Secure and Discreet Messaging: BlackFling provides users with a secure messaging platform that allows them to communicate privately.
  • 2. Verified Member Profiles: All members are verified by the site’s moderators, ensuring that all profiles are genuine and authentic.
  • 3. Matching System: The matching system helps users find compatible partners based on their interests, lifestyle preferences, location etc..
  • 4. Live Video Chatting & Instant Messaging : Members can engage in live video chatting or instant messaging with other members they like for an interactive experience online dating experience .
  • 5. Anonymous Browsing Option : Users have the option of browsing anonymously if they wish to remain discreet while searching for potential matches on BlackFling .
  • 6. Advanced Search Filters : The advanced search filters allow you to narrow down your results quickly so you can find exactly what you’re looking for without wasting time scrolling through endless pages of irrelevant results

Registration – How Easy Is It?

Registering on the BlackFling app is a simple process. First, users must download and install the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store. After opening it for the first time, they will be prompted to create an account by entering their email address and creating a password. Then they can provide some basic information about themselves such as gender, age (the minimum required age to begin dating on this app is 18 years old), location and interests before submitting these details with just one click of a button. Once submitted, users are ready to start using all features available in BlackFling like browsing profiles of other members who match their criteria or sending messages directly through chat rooms within the platform itself – all free of charge!

  • 1.All users must be 18 years of age or older to register for BlackFling.
  • 2. Users must provide a valid email address and phone number during registration.
  • 3. Users are required to create a secure password that meets the minimum requirements set by BlackFling (e.g., 8 characters, 1 capital letter, etc.).
  • 4. All users will need to agree with the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy before registering an account on BlackFling .
  • 5 .Users should have access to their own personal profile page where they can update information such as interests, photos, preferences ,etc..
  • 6 .Blackfling requires all members complete identity verification process in order protect its user’s safety from fraudsters or malicious activities online; this includes uploading proof of ID documents like driver’s license/passport/national identification card etc.. 7 .The platform provides real-time customer support services via live chat system so any questions regarding membership plans can be addressed quickly by customer service representatives at anytime needed 8 Lastly but not least is payment options -allowing customers pay using various methods including credit cards , PayPal accounts or other forms of digital payments

Design and Usability of BlackFling

The BlackFling app has a modern design with dark colors and bold fonts. The user interface is intuitive, making it easy to find profiles of other people quickly. Usability is great; the navigation menu at the bottom allows users to access all features without any difficulty. It also offers helpful tutorials for new members who are unfamiliar with how to use the app. With a paid subscription, there are some UI improvements such as additional search filters that make finding potential matches even easier and faster than before!

User Profile Quality

Profile quality on BlackFling is generally high, as users are required to provide a valid email address and upload at least one photo. Profiles are public, meaning anyone can view them without signing up for an account. Users have the option of setting a custom bio in their profile which allows them to express themselves more freely than with just photos alone. There isn’t currently any “friends” feature or similar social media-style interaction between members; however there is a chatroom where people can talk openly about topics related to black dating culture and experiences.

Privacy settings available include the ability to block other users from viewing your profile if desired, although this does not prevent you from seeing theirs should they choose not too hide it themselves. Signing into BlackFling using Google or Facebook accounts is also possible but optional – doing so will make creating an account easier but will share some information with the site such as name and age depending on what has been set publicly by those services already linked with that user’s personal accounts.. Fake profiles do exist unfortunately though these tend be quickly removed once reported by other members due diligence when messaging someone new remains important nonetheless .

Location info revealed in each member’s profile includes city/town only unless premium subscription holders who get access additional details including distance between two parties (in miles). Hiding location info completely isn’t possible except for premium subscribers whose profiles remain hidden even when searching within specific areas allowing greater control over privacy matters while still being able benefit from all features offered via membership upgrade package itself .


BlackFling is a popular dating website that allows users to find potential partners in their area. The site offers many features such as profile creation, search filters, and messaging capabilities. It also has an extensive database of members from all over the world. Users can create detailed profiles with photos and information about themselves which helps them connect with other singles who share similar interests or backgrounds.

The main advantages of BlackFling are its ease-of-use and user friendly interface, its large member base which makes it easier for people to find matches in their local area, and its comprehensive filtering system so users can narrow down results based on age range or location preferences among others factors. On the downside however some may not like how intrusive ads appear when browsing through profiles while there have been reports of fake accounts being created by scammers trying to take advantage of unsuspecting victims online too .

At this time BlackFling does not offer a dedicated website but instead focuses solely on providing an app version available both on iOS & Android devices allowing those without access to computers still be able join up easily wherever they go . This approach means more resources are spent towards improving mobile compatibility , making sure everyone gets equal opportunity regardless if they’re using desktop/laptop or smartphone device , plus since most people spend majority time away from home nowadays having everything accessible via phone becomes increasingly important factor for any successful service provider these days .

Safety & Security

BlackFling is committed to providing a secure and safe environment for its users. It has implemented various security measures to ensure that the user data remains protected from malicious actors. The app employs verification methods such as email address, phone number or social media accounts in order to verify the identity of each user before they can access any features on BlackFling. Additionally, all photos are manually reviewed by moderators who check if they meet certain criteria set out by BlackFling’s terms of service before being approved for use on the platform. This helps reduce instances of bots and fake accounts attempting to infiltrate their system while also protecting against potential abuse or misuse within their community guidelines framework. Furthermore, two-factor authentication is available as an additional layer of protection when logging into your account which requires both a password and unique code sent via SMS message in order for you gain access into your profile page securely every time you log in online with Blackfling App Security System . BlackFling takes privacy seriously; it provides detailed information about how personal data will be collected, used & stored safely according customer’s choice under GDPR compliance regulations along with other laws applicable worldwide through its Privacy Policy document outlining clear policies regarding what kind & amount info may be shared externally without compromising customers’ trustworthiness at any point during using this service/app

Pricing and Benefits

Is BlackFling Free or Does it Require a Paid Subscription?

BlackFling is an app that allows users to meet and chat with people of similar interests. It’s free to download the app, create a profile, browse other profiles, send messages and even upload photos. However if you want access to certain features such as seeing who has viewed your profile or having more control over who can message you then there are paid subscription options available.

Benefits of Getting a Paid Subscription on BlackFling

  • See who has viewed your profile
  • Have more control over messaging settings * Get priority customer support

Prices & Competitiveness

The pricing for getting a paid subscription on BlackFling starts at $9.99 per month which is quite competitive compared to other dating apps in the market today. The prices may vary depending upon how long you choose for your plan but overall they offer great value for money when compared with their competitors’ offerings .

Cancellation Process & Refunds

If users decide that they no longer wish to continue using the service after signing up for one of these plans then they can easily cancel their subscriptions from within the app itself without any hassle whatsoever . Additionally , all payments made through this platform are refundable so customers have nothing much worry about in case things don’t work out according them as expected .

Help & Support

BlackFling is an online dating site that provides users with a safe and secure platform to meet potential partners. The website offers various ways for its members to access support when needed.

The first way you can get help on BlackFling is by visiting the Help page of their website, which contains answers to commonly asked questions about using the service as well as other useful information. This page also includes links where you can contact customer service via email or phone if your query has not been answered in this section. The response time from customer services will depend on how busy they are but typically it should be within 24 hours at most times of day and night depending upon availability of staffs..

Another option available for accessing support on BlackFling is through their live chat feature, which allows customers to connect directly with one another in real-time so that any queries or issues can be resolved quickly without having to wait for a response from customer services. Furthermore, there’s also an FAQ section where frequently asked questions have already been answered making it easier and faster than ever before for people who need assistance right away!

Overall, BlackFling makes sure all its members have easy accesses whenever they require help or guidance while using the site – whether it’s finding out more information about membership options; troubleshooting technical problems; seeking advice regarding relationships; getting tips related safety etc., whatever issue arises – there’s always someone ready willing & able provide assistance promptly!


1. Is BlackFling safe?

BlackFling is a dating website that offers users the opportunity to meet and connect with other singles. While there are no guarantees of safety when using any online service, BlackFling takes measures to ensure its members’ security. The site has implemented various features designed to protect user privacy, such as allowing only verified members access to certain areas of the site and blocking inappropriate content from appearing in search results or profiles. Additionally, BlackFling provides an extensive list of tips for staying safe while using their services including never sharing personal information with anyone you don’t know well; always meeting someone new in public places; being aware of your surroundings at all times; notifying friends about where you’re going on dates or who you’re meeting up with; reporting suspicious behavior immediately if it occurs during conversations or interactions on the platform; and following common sense guidelines like trusting your instincts when interacting with people online. By taking these precautions seriously, users can feel more secure while engaging in activities through this platform

2. Is BlackFling a real dating site with real users?

BlackFling is a real dating site with real users. It was founded in 2002 and has since grown to become one of the most popular online dating sites for African Americans, as well as other ethnicities looking to find compatible matches. The website offers many features that make it easy for its members to connect with each other, such as detailed profiles, instant messaging capabilities and even video chat options. BlackFling also boasts an extensive membership base from all over the world so you can be sure there are plenty of potential partners out there waiting for you!

3. How to use BlackFling app?

Using the BlackFling app is easy and straightforward. First, you will need to download the app from either Google Play or Apple App Store depending on your device. Once downloaded, open it up and register for an account using a valid email address or phone number. After registering, you can begin creating your profile by adding information such as age range preferences, interests/hobbies etc., that best describe who you are looking for in potential matches. You also have the option of uploading photos to give others a better idea of what kind of person they may be talking with if they decide to message you back after viewing your profile page. Once all this has been completed then comes time for browsing other users’ profiles based on criteria like location (distance), gender preference(s) etc.. If someone catches your eye simply click their photo and send them a message! This is where conversations start so make sure yours stands out from everyone else’s – use interesting topics that relate directly to something found within their own personal bio section; don’t just say "Hi". The more engaging messages sent out usually result in more replies which could lead into further conversation via chat or even possibly meeting up offline one day soon!

4. Is BlackFling free?

BlackFling is not a free service. It does offer some features for free, such as browsing profiles and sending winks or flirts to other members, but if you want to access the full range of services that BlackFling offers then you will need to upgrade your membership. This includes messaging other users, viewing their photos and videos in private galleries, creating a favorites list of members who interest you most and even live video chat with them. The cost varies depending on which type of subscription plan you choose; however all plans are reasonably priced so anyone can afford it!

5. Is BlackFling working and can you find someone there?

BlackFling is a dating site that caters to people of all backgrounds and interests. It has been around since 2006, so it’s definitely an established platform with many users. The website claims to have over 3 million members from the United States alone, making it one of the largest online dating sites in existence today. As such, there are plenty of opportunities for singles looking for someone special on BlackFling. Whether you’re seeking casual dates or something more serious like marriage-minded partners, you can find them here if you take your time browsing through profiles and sending messages to potential matches who interest you most. With its easy-to-use interface and extensive search options available at no cost whatsoever – yes! You read that right – this makes finding compatible individuals easier than ever before; hence why BlackFling remains popular among African American daters even after 14 years in business


In conclusion, BlackFling is a great dating app for those looking to find partners. It has an intuitive design and usability that makes it easy to use and navigate. The safety features are top-notch with secure authentication protocols in place, making sure users’ data remains safe from malicious actors. Additionally, the help and support team is always available if any issues arise while using the app. Finally, user profiles on BlackFling have high quality content which ensures potential matches can make informed decisions when deciding who they want to date or chat with online. All in all this makes BlackFling one of the best apps out there for finding dates!

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Author Jennifer Martin

Jennifer Martin is a writer, reviewer and dating coach with a passion for helping people find true love. She has been writing reviews on dating sites and apps since 2019 and has a wealth of knowledge and experience in the dating world. She provides real-life, honest advice on the best dating apps and sites, writing reviews on the pros and cons of each. Jennifer also offers one-on-one coaching to help individuals find their perfect match. She believes that everyone deserves to find the right person and is dedicated to helping others do just that.

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